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The History of Redemption Series Book Seven

The Ten Commandments:

The Eternal Covenant
for All Generations

Jesus said, “You shall love the Lord your God… and your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments depend the whole Law and the Prophets” (Matt 22:36-40). “The whole Law and the Prophets” refers to the Old Testament, which revolves around the Ten Commandments, and the core of the Ten Commandments is “to love your God and your neighbors.”

This book offers an unparalleled systematic presentation of the Ten Commandments in light of redemptive history. Each command is explained based on the original Hebrew text, revealing each redemptive-historical lesson therein. Readers find themselves drawn to the story of Moses’ eight ascents of Mount Sinai to ratify a covenant with God and to receive and convey God’s Word to the people. Rev. Park’s seventh installment reveals the exact days and dates of Moses’ ascents and descents, as well as the redemptive-historical administration therein.

Praise for the Author

“The author has revealed the exact year, day, and date of Moses’ ascents and descents to and from Mt. Sinai. This is a world class publication that is worthy of being designated as the quintessence of quality scholarship produced by the Korean church.”

Dr. Kang Shin-Theke
Former Professor of Yale University and Trinity Evangelical Divinity School,

Translator of the Hebrew-Korean Old Testament, World renowned expert in Sumerian language

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