Deuteronomy 17:14-20
The awareness of a king
Jesus Christ is the King of kings and Lord of lords (Rev 17:14; 19:16). Therefore, those who believe in Jesus Christ must be the little kings; that’s how we have been established. This is why the saints in the New Testament are referred to as “The Royal Priesthood,” “A Holy Nation,” and “A people for God’s own possession” (1 Pet 2:9). As a royal priesthood we have been called to God therefore we must live our lives with the awareness of a king. True kings always think of the people first, the nation, prays for the people, and thinks about how he should rule over the people for the better. If we are a chosen race then all of our awareness must be like that of a king.
Who can be a king?
Only those who have been chosen by God can be a king (Deut 17:15). King Nebuchadnezzar was a foreign king but it was the God of heaven who established him as a king (Dan 2:37). Likewise, God has also chosen us as kings (Eph 1:4; 1 Pet 1:2). Although we may sin at times and are tempted by the world, let us never despair or be frustrated or give up on ourselves and remember we are royal priests and saints. Secondly, a king has to be pleasing to God (Deut 17:15). Thus the one who is desirable to God can be established as king. When we look at Jesus’ lifetime, He only lived to please His Father God (John 8:29). Enoch was able to transfigure and go straight to heaven without dying because he “walked with God” and was “pleasing to God” (Gen 5:22-25; Heb 11:5). David also lived a life that was pleasing to God and followed after God’s heart (Acts 13:22). Today we must follow God’s heart by faith (Heb 11:6). If we do anything without faith, it will not be pleasing to God.
Three things kings must not do
First, a true king must not multiply horses for themselves. In the Old Testament era, horses reflected power and authority; thus having a lot of horses means that the people did not rely on God but on the strength of the world and their own authority and military power. However, a real and true king did not rely on himself but only on God and through prayer (Isa 31:1; Deut 4:7). Secondly, a true king must not have many wives (Deut 17:17). This means that kings must not drown themselves in the pleasures of this world. King Solomon’s heart was turned away from God because he drowned himself in the pleasures of this world and committed the sin of idolatry (1 Kgs 11:3, 5-8). A royal priest must live a life of complete holiness, consecration and spiritual chastity (Heb 13:4). Thirdly, a true king must not multiply in silver and gold for himself for his heart will drift away from God (Deut 17:17). We must store up our treasure in heaven for saints cannot serve God and wealth (Matt 6:19-20, 24). We must use wealth for the Kingdom of God (Luke 12:19-20). When we obey these commands, God will lay down the path of prosperity in your future and there will be a great reward from heaven (1 Tim 6:18-19).
Kings must always be with the Word
When someone becomes king, he shall write for himself a copy of the Law on a scroll (Deut 17:18). This means that the scriptures should be next to him all the time so that he can read it all the days of his life that he may learn to fear the Lord God (Deut 17:19). Secondly, we must always read the Word of God and become a king who fears God and believe in Him with a great reverence (Deut 17:19; Rev 1:3)
Thirdly, we must live by the Word of God and carefully observe all the Words of the Law and statutes (Deut 17:19). This is the command of God.
7 blessings for those who carefully observe the Word
First, those who carefully observe the Word of God will receive incredible blessings of prosperity and multiply (Deut 8:1). Secondly, God will protect and safely secure (Lev 25:18). Thirdly, God will show His lovingkindness and mercy (Deut 7:12). Fourthly, there will be no poverty when we read and live according to the Word of God (Deut 15:4). Fifthly, we will be set above all the nations in the world (Deut 28:1). Sixthly, all things we do will become prosperous (Deut 29:9; Josh 1:7). Finally, when we do the will of God, He will bring peace (Josh 1:8-9). Therefore, let us always put the Word of God next to us and always read the Word so that we can do and live as royal saints so that these seven blessings will overflow in the remaining years of our lives.
Conclusion: Jesus always obeyed the commands of the Father and always kept the Word of God (John 12:50). Thus as a royal saint, we must solely rely upon God and be pleasing to Him. We must not be drowned in the pleasures of this world but live a life of holiness. We must not increase in silver or gold for ourselves but use wealth for the expansion of God’s Kingdom so that we will at last transfigure and enter into the Kingdom of God and enjoy paradise forever.